I like the idea, but i want to work more shadows on her back on the next shooting, i'm not sure about the bikini marks, another present for a friend.Right version playing contrast....
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Jostein M.

Hi Ferran! I think the first one to the left i ok. The other one is ruined bye the contrast and the washed out parts. The left one would be better with a more playing light and as you say with more shadows. I think doing so will make it more alive.
Avsluttet .

I agree with JM, besides I think I would have prefered to croop it at the bottom, almost made a square photo out of it???

Tom B.
Nils B.

Tja, verson #1 er den mest behagelige å se på. Men tror at jeg hadde justert det enda litt mer i PS. Om det er kontrastovergangene du er ute etter så er #2 i meste laget. Det finnes veier og korrigere dette i den rettningen du ønsker, men du vinner mye på og ha rett eksponering med en gang. Litt råere utsnitt så hadde det vært enda mer severdig. Lyset på armen stjeler mye oppmerksomhet, men det er jo mulg at det er det som er meningen.
mvh Nils
Georg K.

Agree - version I is for sure the better one.

I believe I would have tried to get more ''leg''- means longer and more light.
The pose is cute - or also good, but may get a bit lost because the eye needs to concentrate too much on the visible details like skin, texture etc. - but can't really follow the line of the main motif.

What I really want to say - I think it is a good idea and worthwhile to get done in the best possible way - because it could get a real classical one.
Agathe Matilda B.

I prefer picture#1, like the bikini marks...
Ur'e good at taking pictures Ferran;)
lars morgan k.


Regarding the bikin-marks, they are a part of her body and hence should be a problem, although I personally would try to reduce their significance like on the #1 version. The shadows are a bit on the unflattering side, a more diffuse lighting would correct that. The idea and concept is vErY nice, and I definitely think you are on to something here.

best regards
Lars Morgan
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